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Donate | Litter4Tokens

Why donate.

Donating to the Litter4tokens campaign allows us to stock the various token shops and help the local community.

What to donate.

Apart from monetary donations we are also actively looking for dry food goods such as porridge, mielie meal and rice as well as clothing.

Donate | Litter4Tokens

How to donate.

Apart from monetary donations we are also actively looking for dry food goods such as porridge, mielie meal and rice as well as clothing.

Drop Off

Drop off your dry goods, clothing etc to one of the token shops


Litter4Tokens Banking Details
FNB cheque
Acc. No. 62688580052
Branch No. 250102 (Ballito)

Credit Card

Arrange a one off payment or recurring amounts via credit card through our account with PayFast, which is totally secure.
